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Peony Plant

Q.Is There A Soil Amendment For Peonies

Zone 95949 | Jynxsmom2 added on May 16, 2024 | Answered

I have had peonies for many years (20+) in the last few years they are much more white than their original pink. Any suggestions on how to restore the color?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 17, 2024

There are fertilizers that can help, since this could be an excess of nitrogen in the soil. You will need phosphorus and potassium rich nutrients to balance that out a little. This could be an actual deficiency, or it could be a pH imbalance. Usually, acidic soil makes nitrogen more available, while locking out potassium and phosphorus. That can be corrected and tested for, as well.

Another thing that could be the case is age related fading. This will depend on the cultivar, though. Some can live around 100 years or so, while some may not even make it to 50. If this is the case, then it is irreversible.





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