Q.Is There A Problem W My Compost Tea?
I used a compost tea recipe off the Internet that turns out to be very molasses heavy so after brewing my 4 gallons water, 4oz molasses, 12oz.worm castings, fish emulsion and 1 T azomite for three days at 58 degrees. it still smells like molasses and has very little foam in it. ( I’m guessing it didn’t ferment. is there going to be a problem adding it to my plants? should I not use it as a foliar spray? I read in this site that blackstrap molasses is a good fertilizer all on it’s own, so maybe not? This is my first time

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I don't see it becoming a problem, as long as it doesn't smell bad. 58F, however, will be way too low of a temperature to ferment anything. A little closer to room temperature will be better, but upwards of around 100F will speed up fermentation. I don't see a real need to ferment compost tea too heavily, though.
I definitely wouldn't spray your plant's leaves with anything syrup-like in consistency, though. It is likely to clog the plant up, preventing respiration.
It sounds like you have something still usable as a fertilizer supplement. Just use according to the recipe that you have found.
In the future, these articles will help you to make compost tea: