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Bleeding Heart Plants

Q.is there a difference in the care of bleeding hearts if the color of the bloom is white with a red center(as mine is)?

Zone Saltillo, Ms. 38866 | Stephanie Honan added on September 27, 2018 | Answered

This is the first year to have a bleeding heart. When I bring it in this fall should I re pot it or separate it and re pot or just bring it in as it is?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 29, 2018

This plant will be completely hardy in your area. It will die back completely and come back next year. If this is a young plant, then you may want to bring it in the first winter, and cut it back as you do so to about 2 or 3 inches above the soil if it has not died back by the time of the first frost already.

There will be no real differences between the different colors, and they can be cared for in the same manner. This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/bleeding-heart/bleeding-heart-care.htm

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