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Vegetable Gardening

Q.Is My Vegetable Garden Ruined Because I Added Fresh Manure?

Zone Calgary | Anonymous added on May 20, 2024 | Answered

My friend gave me a bucket of manure from her sister’s farm. She said it’s a mix of horse and goat. I was told it’s excellent for gardening. I excitedly added it only to read afterwards that this isn’t good as it was raw. I’m very worried that I’ve introduced bacteria and too much nitrogen and that the soli is ruined for planting this year. The manure was dry but I have no idea how old it was. I tried asking and she said “it’s fresh”. Can I safely plant any vegetables this to year? I put my spaghetti squash seedlings into the garden before I read about the mistake and they seem to be growing fine. Will they be ok to eat since this vegetable is cooked? I’m not sure what to do and I’m very sad that the gardening I’ve been looking forward to all winter may not be safe to do ☹️

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 22, 2024

It is best to hot compost manure first before using it. Fresh manure can burn your plants as well as introduce harmful pathogens and weed seeds. You could let it sit through the summer and then start a fall garden. But, without the benefit of hot composting, you run the risk of weed seeds germinating and bacteria such as E. coli persisting. Since you already planted squash, you can go ahead and use it since you will be cooking the squash. Be sure to wash it well before preparing.




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