Q.Is My Tree Dying? I Have A Chinese Pistachio Tree. Has Only Developed Sparse Leaves Last Two Years, No Autumn Colour, No Leaves A
t all this autumn, very few leaves in summer. Branches are still pliable. Tree is 14 years old. have had lots of possums around, initially thought they might be eating leaves. Applied Blood and Bone around the base last spring, had a few leaves as indicated in the attached photo which was taken in the height of summer, but not the coverage it should have been. All leaves gone by the beginning of Autumn. Trunk looks healthy. Leaves look they have some “rust”. Very, very wet summer.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is likely related to the wet summer. Too much or too little irrigation can cause problems in Chinese pistache. Also, if your tree had rust, that could have defoliated the tree. To prevent rust, pick up all the fallen leaves and dispose of them in the trash.
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