Q.Is my sago palm dying (or dead)?
I have 2 sago palms on either side of my driveway. 1 of them is thriving well and grows new fronds regularly but the other 1 hasn’t sprouted new growths in a long time. It seems to be growing much more slowly than the other palm. I fear it has died or is dying. It is still green. I noticed slight white specs near the start of the fronds closest to the base of the tree.
they both get about 6-8 hours of sunlight. It's been about 6 months since the palm that I'm concerned about has sprouted new growth. The white scale disappeared recently but the palms are probably due for some fertilizing.
I don't think we should call the coroner yet on your sago palm. Some sago palms are just slow growers. And when you say it hasn't sprouted new growths in a long time - how long is long?
Are both sago palms receiving the same amount of light? Sagos need bright light to grow well.
What care do you administer your sagos? Do you fertilize them? Maybe a fertilizer boost is all your sago needs.
Are the white areas raised elongated bumps? If so, the white specs are most likely a normal condition called "scurf" - the scurf will fall off as the leaves mature. If the whiteness is more like a snow-like white dust, then your sago might have scale, which is a more serious issue and discussed here: