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Sago Palm Trees

Q.Is My Sago Palm Dead?

Zone 76028 | RHSago1971 added on March 31, 2022 | Answered

My Sago Palm was a victim of extreme cold 12 months ago and appears to be dead but it still has live pups attached to the bottom. I removed several pups to transplant and was inspecting the large palm. I grabbed the top and the pieces started coming off easily leaving a solid core inside. Does this mean the main plant is completely dead? I hear that they can go dormant for quite some time and to not give up on them but I want to make sure before I cut it down and make way for its large baby behind it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 1, 2022

It would benefit those pups to remove the dead Sago. Unfortunately, your photos did not come through, but from the description- It seems dead.


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