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Q.Is My Peach Tree Growing?

Zone 11096 | Onlydaanish added on June 9, 2023 | Answered

I am brand new to gardening. I have a peach tree bare root in a 15 gal pot with drain holes, 2 inches of rocks on the bottom, miracle grow potting mix, and mulch. Along with a little fertilizer and I use Alaskan fish fertilizer once a month. It’s been 1 month 2 weeks since I got potted it. I water it every 3-5 days and use neem oil to keep away pests. I notice however it’s only growing leaves from the center root and all the branches are empty with no growth. Is this normal?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 9, 2023

Yes, this will be quite normal! It will take quite awhile to see any new growth, especially, since it is so freshly potted. For the future, I would use mixes and feeds geared towards feeding fruit trees for the best results. Too much nitrogen in a feed will cause a problem, later on, fruiting.



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