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Aster Plants

Q.Is My New England Aster Plant Alive?

Zone Burlington 53105 | Anonymous added on May 10, 2022 | Answered

I purchased it last fall. It’s in a 1.5 gallon pot and was kept on my deck throughout the winter. I live in SE Wisconsin. I cut it back before winter leaving about 3 inches above the soil. Spring is now upon us and I see no signs of life. Is my aster dead? I don’t want to toss it if it still has a chance.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2022

New England aster is hardy to USDA zone 4 and your location is hardy to zone 5. If it was planted in the ground, it probably would have come back. But being in a pot all winter, its roots were only protected by a thin piece of plastic.

However, I would give it to June before tossing it. It could be late to break dormancy.


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