Q.Is My Money Tree Sick? Diseased?
We “rescued” this plant years and years ago. It was doing really well, until we transported it across the country. Need help figuring out what’s wrong with it. Yellowing leaves, holes in some, crunchy tips on others. I only water it when it’s dry with a finger test. It’s in a north-facing window, no direct sunlight. It DOES have some new growth showing up still. Thoughts? Thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, as they damage and consume the nutrients from them.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That looks like snail/slug damage. This can lead to disease, but the main issue here is whichever is eating your leaves. They are nocturnal, so you might not ever notice them out and about. Getting rid of them can be as simple as a beer trap.
Thank you! Can slugs also cause the yellowing leaves?