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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Is My Mint Plant Dead or Dormant

Zone 8 | hootie2 added on November 17, 2012 | Answered

I have a mint plant that I grew from a small cuting I started this June. It’s about eight inches tall. Right now it’s mid November and the plant is turning brown and dying. I’m probably over-reacting, but I’m afraid it’s dying instead of going dormant. Is this the time that mint plants go dormant cause I can’t find that out anywhere.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 19, 2012
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Answered on November 18, 2012

I am on the line between zone 6 & 7. Our mint looks terrible. We have had temps into the low 20's for 3 weeks, but not every night. Mint in zone 8 should almost be evergreen. If your mint is not evergreen, yes, this is the time it should be going dormant.

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