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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Is my crepe myrtle tree still alive?

Zone zone 6 or 7 | ronbow added on May 28, 2014 | Answered

Last spring I bought an 8′ crepe myrtle. It partially bloomed, but I expected more flowers. Right now, 3 months into this spring, the tree appears dead, except for new stalks at the base. If I cut into the bark of the upper trunk, there is no greenery. The tree is in complete sunlight and watered by a lawn sprinkler system. Other new trees that I planted in the vicinity are flourishing. I invested a good some of money for the tree and would dearly like to see it thrive. Do I have any hope? I live on Long Island and believe I am in zone 6 or 7.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2014

Well, if there's no green tissue, the prognosis doesn't look good. In plants, dry, brown and crispy equals dead. However, you do have green shoots coming up from the roots, and if you nurture those, you'll be surprised how quickly they'll grow into a nice bushy plant.
Crepe myrtle may not be your best choice. You're pretty far north for them to do well, which is probably why yours didn't make it through the winter. You might have a discussion with the landscaper or nursery store that provided them. And here's an article with some other ideas for small flowering trees; https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/ornamental-trees-for-gardens.htm

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