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Q.Is My Container Large Enough For Full Maturity Of A White Chocolate Vine?

Zone Beaverton, Oregon | Anonymous added on June 24, 2023 | Answered

I have a fairly mature white chocolate vine that is in a 15″high x 30″ length x 8-10″ width container. It’s growing on a pergola. Is this container large enough for full maturity of this plant? If not, what size do you recommend ? I don”t have a lot of space for a large container.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 24, 2023

If the container is 15 inches high and 10 inches wide, I'm not sure where the 30inch length comes in. A 10 inch pot is not very wide for a fast growing chocolate vine. If you could move it up to a 16 or 20 inch wide pot it will do better. If you don't have that much space, you might try a bottomless container so the roots can grow into the soil.


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