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Apple Trees

Q.Is my Apple Tree dead?

Zone Pemberton, NJ | LDgarden added on April 14, 2015 | Answered

Bought an apple tree in 2013. No problems 1st year (Leaves, no fruit). In 2014 it was growing good, but then it was attacked by caterpillars. I used insecticidal soap and my hand to get rid of the caterpillars, but growth stopped. Now it’s the spring of 2015 and no growth and dark branches. Is it dead, and do I need to prune it or add another tree for pollination? Do you need a picture? Please reply… Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 14, 2015

Do you tree branches bend or snap off? If they bend your tree is still viable and alive. It may be early yet to determine the condition of your tree.
Give the tree plenty of time to wake up and start growing.

Yes, generally apples trees need a second tree for pollination.

Here is a link that has great overall information.


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