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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.Is my aloe vera plant out growing its pot?

Zone York, PA | Anonymous added on August 21, 2019 | Answered

I have had this aloe plant for a little over a year and have replanted him once. But recently, the leaves started going crazy sideways instead of up and out like it has been before. I have a moisture meter and have not been overwatering or underwatering, but when I look stuff up online, it says it either needs a bigger pot or needs more sun. It could be the more sun since it has been raining and cloudy like crazy in the northeast recently. But I was just wondering if you could help me determine what it needs. The roots are not growing out of the hole in the bottom (another thing I read). Thank you for the help!


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2019

It looks fine to me. When the soil is dry, you can try pulling up on the soil ball to see if roots are encircling the plant. I doubt that it is rootbound, though.

It is growing, but it may be stretching a little, so try giving it more light. They need bright light and do best in south or west facing windows. They don't really need fertilizer but if you want to fertilize, do it once a year in the spring.

Here is more on care.

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