Q.Is my aloe vera plant dead?
Hi I found it on my terrace facing north in Manhattan, NYC. It hasn’t been watered since mid-August — it’s now mid November. It’s in a clay pot and has been indoors since early October. It’s dry and darkish, leaves are mostly split down the middle with dry and shriveled tips. I think I have answered my own question — it looks like a gonner to me, but I just wanted to make sure. My daughter went off to college and I forgot about it.
Thank you,
CLueless with no green thumb
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Have you watered it since you brought it in? Knowing Aloe vera I wouldn't give up on it just yet. Keep it indoors now for the winter in a spot with sunlight or a grow light. Cut off the dried leaves near the base, give it some water once or twice a month and some time, a month or two.There is a chance that it may re-sprout from the base if the roots are not dead.