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Q.Is Larkspur the same as Delphinium?

Zone 8b Conroe, Texas | Anonymous added on March 19, 2016 | Answered

Is Larkspur the same as Delphinium? I think not. I grow Larkspur, species unknown. It is beautiful and does well until about May when the weather gets too warm for it. I am a Master Gardener at Montgomery County Agrilife Extension Service. We are offering my Larkspur in our spring sale this Sat., 3-21-15. The gal who makes the labels put Delphinium on the tags. I read that they are two different plants (Larkspur and Delphinium), although they are probably “kin” to one another. Do you know if they are the same plant or two different plants?

Thank you, Debra

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 19, 2016

They are actually different plant species, as explained in the following article:

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