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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Is it safe to plant a plumcot tree outside in zone 5?

Zone Herkimer NY 13350 | Anonymous added on October 25, 2017 | Answered

I live in Central NY. Winters here can get well below zero. I think it’s zone 5. I bought a small plumcot tree that I planted in a large container. It was out all summer and thriving. However, online some articles say that it needs a warmer zone. Should I take it in during the winter like I do with my fig tree, or do you think it is safe to plant the plumcot outside in this zone? (thank you) -Lillian

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 27, 2017

Many plumcot varieties can grow in zone 5, but others are recommended for warmer zones. Look up the winter hardiness of the specific variety you have, or ask at the supplier you purchased the tree from. If it is a borderline case, it would probably benefit from winter protection.


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