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Q.Is It Normal For The Dwarf Japanese Maple Tree To Lose Its Leaves?

Zone 48103 | Anonymous added on November 17, 2022 | Answered

Our tree is about 10 years old and has always seemed so healthy. The tree has lost its leaves and I don’t remember this ever happening. Is this normal? The weather has been cold (30 degrees or so at night and during the day) and today it is warmer (50 degrees). There is some wind, but nothing severe. I hope I don’t loose this beautiful tree.

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Answered on November 19, 2022

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Answered on November 18, 2022

Yes, it is normal. Here in Texas, they lose their foliage when planted outside. In your Ann Arbor, MI zip code, they should do the same. These trees will shed their foliage during the late fall into winter to prepare for their dormant growing season. However, drought can be a cause of leaves dropping too so, check your tree’s soil regularly.

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