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Gunnera Plants

Q.Is Gunnera toxic for dogs?

Zone Oklahoma | sstone8507 added on April 5, 2015 | Answered

I have a full sun area in my yard that stays very boggy due to an aerobic septic system. I have seen the great gunnera and was told it prefers wet boggy soil so it would be perfect to help keep this area dry. I have 3 large dogs that have been known to chew on anything I plant in the backyard, including barberry bushes. Is this plant toxic for dogs?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 6, 2015

Based on my research it doesn't appear to be toxic to dogs:

However, when it comes to beloved pets, I always strongly encourage pet owners to verify this information and see if they come to the same conclusion.

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