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Eucalyptus Tree

Q.Is Eucalyptus Tree Killing Evergreen Bush

Anonymous added on March 23, 2011 | Answered

We have a flourishing Eucalyptus tree (dark green, long thin leaf). It was planted two years ago and now measures 3 metres high and 1. 5 metres wide. It is beautiful, but an evergreen bush immediately adjacent to it has died. We removed this in January and now the evergreen, adjacent to the place where the dead bush was removed, also has leaves turning brown. Is there anything in the Eucalyptus root/leaves which may be causing this problem?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 24, 2011

It is possible. The jury is still out on whether they kill surrounding plants, but much of the research we saw indicated that the decomposing leaves caused the most problems. I would recommend removing any fallen leaves to see if that improves it, and if not, then it may be the whole tree is the problem.

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