Q.care of my upright Carlotta fuchsia
Is the care of my upright Carlotta fuchsia the same as a regular fuchsia? I received a beautiful “stand up” Carlotta fuchsia plant for Mother’s Day. I found very helpful articles on a regular fuchsia on this site. I’m wondering if I can follow those guidelines for watering, propagating, overwintering, etc. Is it also best in a hanging basket like the fuchsia?

All fuchsias have the same general routine care so, yes, the guidelines on our website for fuschias would also apply to your "stand up" carlotta. When it comes to hanging baskets, that's a matter of personal preference. Personally, I think the trailing fuschia varieties look better in a hanging basket than the upright varieties. Some people put trailing varieties around the upright plant in a hanging basket.
For more information on the care of fuchsias, please visit the following link: