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Acacia Trees

Q.Is an american Dogwood of the acacia family

Zone Crane Mo65633 | ccatdancing@yahoo.com added on September 18, 2016 | Answered

I am trying to find common names for plants of acacia besides bay leaves. Acacia families that grow in the United States. For example, is an American Dogwood in the Acacia family?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 18, 2016

American Dogwood is a member of Cornaceae, or the Dogwood family, not the acacia family.

Acacias are members of the Fabaceae or pea/legume family. They actually share the family with many plants that grow in gardens in the United States, including many types of beans, peas, and ornamental flowers such as sweet peas. There are also many wild relatives in the family.


The closest relative of Acacia that grows wild in the United States is probably the mesquite tree:


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