Q.Is Aluzinc Steel Is The Perfect Material For Outdoor Use?
ABOUT ALUZINC STEEL Aluzinc steel is a super material compared with regular Galvanized Steel. Aluzinc is a coating material formed from a mixture of Aluminum (55%), Zinc (43.4%) and Silicon (1.6%).

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Far from it, unfortunately. Aluminum and zinc, at those concentrations will leach into the soil, once that coating protector fades. I took a look at the safety data for the coating, and found that in studies where aluminum was able to become part of the soil, the soil became toxic. Plants exhibited a build up of cadmium and zinc after extended periods of exposure.
This material should be replaced with a standard, zinc coated, steel. Unfortunately, the aluminum in the coating can create quite an imbalance.
Here is a study produced, where aluminum levels in the soil were studied:
Here is an article that will help you to know what are good raised bed materials: