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Iris Plants


Zone 21701 | Anonymous added on May 31, 2019 | Answered

once the iris blooms, the round/oval ball under the bloom, (i call it the seed ball) — should they be cut off and open/sliced open to removed the insides or can these be planted whole? I like to see what comes out of those

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 1, 2019

To keep the seedpod, let the seedpods ripen and turn fully brown and begin to split open before you cut them off and store them in a cool, dry place.
In the fall, as it begins to cool, plant the seeds in the garden in an area prepared with amended soil and that is weed free. Plant the seeds about ½” to ¾” deep and a few inches apart, and mark the area.
They will not flower the first spring, but they should the second. The new Iris will probably not be the same color as the mother plant was, as most Irises are hybrids and do not breed true.

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