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Barberry Shrubs

Q.invasive plant

Zone 07 | donnis added on May 20, 2015 | Answered

Why does your site promote the invasive Japanese barberry? Shame on you! Identify invasive species.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2015

It is true that Japanese barberry is invasive in some parts of the country but in other parts it is a perfectly suitable and well behaved plant. While it may be a problem plant in your area, other people may live in an area where it is ok and they need information on how to grow it. It is always best before you plant any new plant in your garden to check to see if it is invasive in your area because invasiveness changes from location to location.

That being said, I have requested that the editors add a note to the plant stating that it is invasive in some areas.

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