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Pampas Grass

Q.Invasive Species

Zone 94804 | B Sandow added on March 22, 2021 | Answered

Not really a gardening question, but a concern… Pampas grass is seriously invasive in the US and Canada. You mention it in the “small print” but folks interested in the plant may not read that far. Would you consider the issue of invasive species before making your recommendations? Natives are always the best choice, and there are many beautiful grasses. Thank you for considering this issue. ???

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 23, 2021

We answer questions from around the world, and in many places the grass will not become invasive. In order to be fair, and include information for everyone, we include information for the people who can grow the grass. It would be very unfair to leave out the information for people who are in an area where the grass remains controlled.

Every plant has the capability of becoming invasive if given the right environment.

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