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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Insects on rhododendron

Zone NW of UK, Blackpool, Lancashire. | david.j.wignall added on June 16, 2015 | Answered

Hope you can help to identify the insects, and how to get rid of them, that are infecting my rhododendron. They are small brown, oval shaped things (about 3-4 mm) and exude a white marshmallowy substance. They seem to stick to the branches with only a few on the leaves. Hope you can help. Dave.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 16, 2015

Without a close look my answer would be Cottony Scale. It is a soft bodied scale that have sucking mouth parts that can weaken your plants. When researching further remember the type of scale (cottony,soft) and the plant it's affecting Rhododendron. Take the least invasive treatment for you the environment and the plant. Always improve the plants environment. TWIGZ

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