Q.Insect Attacking Peppers/Chilies
I’m having a problem with peppers, as well as chili plants, where it looks like something enters the stem of the plant, about 1 cm above the soil. One only notices when the plant, from practically one day to the next, dies. One can then see a dry brown bit just above the soil inside the stem, which obviously hinders the rest of the plant to get water and nutrients. Could you tell me where I can get an insecticide or something to stop this from happening?
I have had my share of leaf miners on peppers ,the crazy lines all over the leaves, but i'm not sure what insects you have. I would try neem oil read the label for how long you have to stop before you harvest. I use a brand of neem oil you can use till the day of harvest. I don't know what zone your in but you might have to spray at night and wash it off before the sun bakes your plant . The oil enables the bug to breath. good luck