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Fig Tree

Q.Indoor / potted fig trees

Zone North east | Harnist added on September 8, 2012 | Answered

Can I grow a fig tree indoors? Recommendation on lighting needs, pot sizing, soil and fertilizer. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 12, 2012

What exactly do you mean by fig tree? Do you mean a ficus tree, or a fruiting fig. Fruit trees don't really grow indoors unless you have the super high light of a conservatory. Well, they may grow for awhile, but they certainly won't fruit. Your typical ficus tree ( ficus benjamina), weeping fig, is another matter entirely
You can buy them any size you need to fit the spot you want to put them - just give them good light, near a bright window. Don't be in a big hurry to repot - the soil the plant comes in is good - but when you do repot, use a fast draining potting soil - I like cactus mix - or a soilless mix for fine-rooted plants. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer, 6-6-6 or 10-10-10 for instance, once a month during the growing season, laying off for the winter.

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