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Q.Indoor plant care

Zone England | Jose Tarouca added on January 16, 2018 | Answered

Hi there,

I am reading a lot of ‘no direct sunlight’ rules for a lot of the indoor plant types.

However, I live in the UK and currently are in Winter. There are many cloudy days and I am wondering if sun through a cloud still counts as direct sunlight or whether it actually has to be sunny in order to count as direct sunlight.

I have quite a few plants in my room but the window which is quite large is south facing so not sure how to position the plants that do not like direct sunlight on cloudy days.



A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 16, 2018

For plants such as this, it is best to let them sit in the room, but not next to the window. The room should be bright enough to allow for proper lighting. Giving plants that can't tolerate full sun will likely burn them, and kill them. Alternatively, you can put them in an east facing window, where they will only get a little morning sun.

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