Q.Indoor Palm Fronds Are Bending
Don’t know if this falls under gardening but I have searched everywhere and can’t figure out what is wrong with my indoor Pygmy date palm. The fronds are bending and eventually break off at the point where they bend. The tips have also been changing colour. One spot looked like it was eaten but seems to be only that one. Some have brown spots. I don’t see any bugs on it, I have a humidifier running nearby, I’ve checked the roots for rot but they seem ok, when I pulled it out i found it was quite root-bound and so I repotted in a larger pot with fresh soil. Not sure what else to do. I’ve added some pictures but I can’t tell if it has worked as I do not see the attachments. Any help would be great.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Potassium (K) deficiency is common in pygmy date palms. I've included some information about nutritional deficiencies which could be the problem.
The whitish material on your leaves is normal and will drop off.