Q.Indoor jasmine plant
I have a very large mature jasmine plant indoors, and the last 6 or so months all the leaves have been covered in a sticky residue, and I noticed recently it’s now spread to my rubber tree plant which is near the jasmine. I just repotted the jasmine plant, as it was in dire need of a new pot, and now would like to figure out what’s causing the leaves to be sticky. I’ve read that this can be due to pests, but cannot find anything about which pest specifically, or how to eliminate them. Any help would be great!

Sticky leaves can indicate an insect issue and there are several insects that can be the culprit. Aphids, Mealybug, and Scale are the most common.
Treat the plant with Neem Oil.
Make sure to spray both the top and undersides of the leaves.
Here are some links to help you.