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Cyclamen Plants

Q.Indoor Cyclamen Producing Strange Flowers

Zone 28732 | RMJCochrane added on February 19, 2020 | Answered

I have had an indoor cyclamen for a year. It never had a dormant phase. It has produced bright pink, vertical blooms regularly for an entire 12 months. But in the last month (January-February), the foliage has become leggy and droopy, the bright pink blooms are fewer and they too are leggy and droopy and some new, long stems have emerged which are producing these white and purple, star-shaped blooms at their ends. I can find nothing about this flower shape on a cyclamen. What is happening to my plant? I have not repotted it. I have used houseplant fertilizer, water soluble, on it twice in the last year. I may have overwatered it at times. The plant has sat in a south-east facing kitchen window in a temperature-controlled home since I received it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 19, 2020

Me again. Original poster. I uploaded a photo but it is not showing here. I'm not sure how to share that image but it seems relevant and helpful to understanding what this plant is doing.

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