Q.Indoor Cat and Indoor Plants
I love my indoor plants, yet I also love my cat. However, the two have difficulty co-existing. I have been researching ways to remedy this problem – namely, my cat nibbling on the plants. Many sites suggest putting chili powder or other spices on the leaves of the plant. Hence my question: Are these spices harmful to the plants? What can be put on the plants that will not harm them?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Things like chili pepper work because them make it uncomfortable for the cat to get at the plant. Much like if we get a bit of chili pepper in our eyes and it stings, it will do the same to your cat. Other things, like citrus, simply smell bad to them.
You may want to consider growing a plant for the cat to nibble, like wheat grass. That was the cat gets what it needs and will be less likely to nibble on your houseplants. This article can help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/grass/grow-a-grass-houseplant-growing-grass-indoors.htm