Q.Indoor Banana Leaf Plant 6 Foot Tall
Hello, I have 6ft tall banana leaf plant indoors and I have a question on how much water/how often I should water it. It’s planted in a black container that it came in from the store about 12 inches deep. It’s in direct sunlight for most of the day. I’ve had it for about 3 weeks now and some of the leaves are turning brown/yellow and all the leaves are breaking and fraying. I am worried it is dying. Can you please give pointers on how to bring it back to life? Thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Is the black container inside another? If so, when you water, make sure you drain off any water that goes though the black pot to the outer pot. Or, remove the black pot to water, let it drain, then return it to the outside container. For watering, let the soil dry out a bit before watering again. Misting will help with humidity. Here is more: