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Avocado Trees

Q.Indoor avocado tree

Zone 64701 | brbdyer420@gmail.com added on March 26, 2017 | Answered

I repotted my avocado tree and now it is all wilted and looks like it is going to die. I don’t know what happened or what went wrong, because I have tons of houseplants and have been told what a green thumb I have. I had 2 of these together in a pot, and I took the biggest one out and put it in a bigger pot. Now it is dying! Do you think it is possible it will come out of this shock or whatever has happened?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2017

It sounds like your avocado has transplant shock, which is common after repotting. Usually, plants can recover with patience:

Since your avocado is wilted, what's probably happening is that the roots are having trouble taking in water in their new environment. Usually, this means you need to give the less water while they adjust, since staying too wet can damage roots. The larger pot it's now in will also hold more water, so you will probably need to water less often, at least for now.

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