Went out this morning to water my bed of impatiens. Every one was gone. The mulch was not messed up at all. It looked like they were pulled up and the mulch patted back in place. Had put moth balls around each one and sprayed some animal (deer, squirrel, rabbit) deterrent on them. Either I had a thief in the night or a very hungry animal! Should I replant? My bed in opposite side of yard has been untouched.

I would suspect the culprit to be slugs or snails. Not only will they devour plants quickly, especially bedding plants like impatiens, but they only come out at night, making it more difficult to catch them. You may not even see signs of their ever having been there, with exception to 'snail trail', the slimey, silvery trail they leave behind. These articles will help deter these pests, especially if you decide to replant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/organic-snail-control-how-to-control-garden-snails.htm