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Lawn Problems

Q.impact of of coffee grounds on mole tunneling

Zone Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8K 2M7 | Anonymous added on September 19, 2017 | Answered

What impact will used or fresh coffee grounds have on moles tunneling in my lawn? What would be the best way to apply/insert the grounds into the holes?The holes look like golf holes…..sorry I do not have pictures.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 19, 2017

I am not aware that it would have much effect, if any on moles. I doesn't appear to repel them. It will help keep away bugs, but not mammals as far as my research goes. If you still want to try, it is up to you. It seems to be a new world there. Now there is a method of live capture using coffee cans, but I do not think this is what you are referring to.

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