Q.I’m trying to identify a squash plant that is growing in my garden that I didn’t plant–thinking it was probably a bird gardener
:). Thank you in advance! The fruit is light green, oval-shaped, and the size of a large apple right now.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This has a very complicated answer. Unless you know exactly what the seed came from, and what the potential pollinators were nearby, then it will be impossible to know what that is.
Because many cucurbits can cross pollinate (like cucumbers and melons and many gourds, including pumkins) it is likely a "mutt" of different species.
The chances of it being edible are very good. If it is not edible, there will simply be no pulp under the shell to eat.
Let it grow, and see what comes of it. Many gardeners accidentally come up with new types of fruits this way.