Q.I’m trying to grow wild plums from internet seeds
I put the seeds between damp paper towel and stored in my refrigerator in early April. It is now 6 months later and I see no signs of germination. All seeds passed the ‘float test’. I planted ten seeds one month ago and have zero results. I’m open to any suggestions. I live in zone 7A.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Are the seeds that you received already pulled out of the stone? If not, then it will take a lot longer to germinate.
If you can manage to crack out the small, almond looking seed inside (please be careful and wear gloves, this is very very toxic. Do your best not to knick the seed inside in any way) and plant this, then it will germinate in a month or two, rather than about 6 months.
Leaving it inside the shell that it is likely in will cause this process to take a long time, as this shell has to break down before the seed inside can germinate.