Q.I’m New to Gardening and Grow My Herbs Indoors
They are starting to flower and my question is, is this where I would get the seeds from to start new plants?
Yes, if the flowers are pollinated, you should have seed. However, I have found it easier and quicker to propagate most herbs by cuttings rather than by seed. Chives will need to be divided or sown from seed. Dill will have to bre sown from seed. I take a 3-4" cutting (new wood that has hardened off a little, not tender), strip bottom leaves and insert into moist peatlite commercial potting mix. Make a "greenhouse" with pencils, sticks or plastic knives and very thin clear plastic like food wrap or a drycleaner bag. The pencils, ect. will hold the plastic over your cuttings to hold in humidity. Do not keep cuttings soppy wet, but not too dry either, just evenly moist, and mist daily. Do not set this in the sun, you don't want to cook them. Depending on the herb, and temperature, you could see roots in a week or two.