Q.I’m Looking For My Perfect Shrub
Hello I am having trouble finding the perfect shrub for my particular yard, I want to grow a row of privacy screening shrubs (about 30ft.). I’ve been to many nurseries, but as of yet, no luck. The shrub I desire must have the same qualities as wild Buckthorn, or common Privet. Those qualities are Dense and thick, fast growing, Hardy (Resists disease), grows in at least zone 4 to 5, drought resistant, shade tolerant, grows in most any soil, does not require regular watering, has at least some seasonal interest, is highly deer resistant, low to no maintenance, can be planted under powerlines but still reaches 8 to 10 ft. for good privacy. I know that the mentioned shrubs are invasive, and common privet can be poisonous too. I have a heavily traveled deer trail through my yard, and neighbor has very large trees that will shade the area. Also need to plant close to overhead power. I just want to plant them, and forget them. The last thing I want to do is plant these invasive species, but I can’t find anything to top them. Many folks have tried to suggest something, but they all have fallen short. I ask for the help of this knowledgeable community for suggestions. What works in your yard may not work in mine. But I will welcome any suggestions and I could then research that. Thanks for any help you could offer. Mike
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, with such strict requirements, that may be the best we can do is offer suggestions for things that will be best suited. Unfortunately, because of the strict requirements, suggestions may not be a great fit. We will offer the best suggestions that we can, though!
I would suggest looking within the species of Buxus or Euonymus. You may even have luck within the species, Ilex.