Q.Identity of Shrub With Dark Red Berries in Nov/Dec
I see these berries frequently on leafless, thorny bushes in hedgerows in late autumn. They are deep dark red and small. What are they? Any ideas? The plants are like small trees, very thorny.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While there are many types of plants that produce red berries this time of year, holly shrubs are typically thorny. The fact that it's leafless would make this likely Winterberry holly (Ilex verticillata), which unlike other hollies is deciduous (loses its leaves in winter). This is also a tree-like form of holly and is known for its bright red berries.

Thanks for answering - I've just walked past them again this morning and noticed a few remaining leaves on a twig - they are lobed - and based on this I've now been able to identify it as Crataegus laevigata - midland hawthorn
Many thanks