Q.identify hibiscus seed
I would like to gather some seeds from my beautiful hibiscus this year but I am not certain what is seed. Can you describe it for me? When do I harvest it? I can see a small clump of what appears to be seed inside the hull after the bloom falls off. Are these the seeds? Do I dry them and save for next year?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Allow the seed pods to dry or turn brown on the plant and then harvest them by snipping them off and placing the pods in a brown paper bag. The seed pods will usually split open when fully dry and the seeds will spill out into the bag. You can store the bag in a dry, dark and cool location for use next season.
Here is an article or two that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/hibiscus-propagation.htm