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Q.ideas for plants to hide a concrete block wall

Zone So. California | isabelmiller1 added on August 16, 2012 | Answered

I want to hide an ugly concrete block wall and also have plants that grow taller than the wall to provide privacy. Tthey must grow to 6-8 feet tall, be able to grow in pots, and withstand full sun and high heat in the summer. There is no dirt to dig a hole, as the deck is concrete as well. What plants do you suggest?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 17, 2012

Some climbing roses in big ornate pots would be a grand way to hide the wall. Some ornate black metal or some nice redwood trellises could be mounted out from the wall about an inch to inch and a half to help give the climbing roses something to work up around and over. Climbing Iceberg, New Dawn, Awakening, Climbing America and Climbing Don Juan come to mind, along with a nice English rose type climber/rambler named Crown Princess Margaretta comes to mind as well. The Austin climbing roses would cover well, do well in heat and large pots, plus have super fragrance and beauty.

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