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Q.I would like to know what this (see uploaded photo) is, and what i can do about it.

Zone somerset, England UK | Jackie Mason added on June 21, 2019 | Answered

there are many of these (some bigger some smaller) all over a large bush in the garden. some branches have multiple. it looks like a genetic blip, like the buds have gone haywire.
I’m not a gardener, and i have no expedience.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 22, 2019

Unfortunately, this can be caused by many things! Insects can do this, as well as the bacteria and fungi that they carry.

I would look to your local agricultural resources to test and treat your soil for the specific disease in question. Broad spectrum fungicides can help, but it will be best to know exactly what it is, so that you can get the exact treatment.

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