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Hyacinth Plant

Q.inoculate Verticillium to the tree of heaven shoots

Zone garden in the suburbs of Paris | Freddyfox added on July 27, 2015 | Answered

I would like to inoculate Verticillium to the tree of heaven shoots that are ruining my garden. Any idea how I could do that? If it worked, I would spread the word and become a benefactor of society! My garden, like many others, is infested by trees of heaven shoots I can’t get rid of. Verticillium kills them but is not for the time being commercialized. Do you have an idea how I could get hold of this fungus to inoculate them? I know it would be experimental but could save many gardens, parks, etc.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2015

I'm sorry but I don't know of any source available.

Weed shoots are problematic for several trees and Tree Of Heaven is one of these.


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