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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.keep my aloe vera small

Zone London | LondonGardener66 added on May 2, 2015 | Answered

I want to keep my aloe vera small. Can/should I prune it or trim its roots? I have a lovely plant in a small flat. It’s getting top heavy and so I’m tempted to trim it but I don’t want to damage it. Can you prune an aloe? I recently trimmed the root ball of my other plant but the aloe is very root bound and seems happy that way.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2015

I think the best way to shrink down the size of your aloe plant would be to divide it. By dividing you will be left with many viable plants that you can give to family/friends (or keep for yourself). For information on dividing aloes, please visit the following link: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/aloe-vera/dividing-aloe-plants.htm

If you desire, you can also prune your aloe vera to make it smaller. When pruning, start with the outer leaves and cut near the base of the plant.

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