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Monkey Grass

Q.getting creeping monkey grass to spread

Zone Northwest Florida | tallman910@bellsouth.net added on April 1, 2015 | Answered

I want my creeping monkey grass to spread under my trees. What kind of fertilizer can I use to help it along? Got some great patches of creeping monkey grass under my Magnolia tree (heavy shade) and I want to get a fertilizer that will help it spread out under the trees – what kind should I use?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 2, 2015

Creeping Monkey Grass generally does not need much fertilizer, but a light fertilizing will help monkey grass to spread.
I would use a 10 10 10 fertilizer in early spring or fall, before new growth begins.
1 pound per 100 square feet is recommended.
Water in the fertilizer to help it into the soil.

Here is a link about the care of Monkey Grass.


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